



The imposing and beautiful Catajo Castle, in Battaglia Terme, in the province of Padua, will host the third edition of the International Exchange for World Heritage Sites from 28th to 30th May 2025.

After the first two editions held in the equally magnificent venue of CastelBrando, in the province of Treviso, the event will move to the Euganean Hills in 2025, with the aim of celebrating the area’s recent designation as a UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserve.

The International Exchange for World Heritage Sites 2025 intends to contribute to promoting and making the Euganean Hills area and its attractions better known to International tour operators and tourism professionals and journalists. Therefore the usual format is confirmed with the b2b workshop reserved for tourism operators and the educational tour designed for hosted buyers and journalists to familiarize with the destination and learn more about it. 

Il 29 maggio, circa 50 selezionati buyer italiani e stranieri, potranno conoscere direttamente e in concreto le proposte turistiche degli operatori veneti e non solo, con un focus specifico sui siti e beni Patrimonio mondiale UNESCO. Nelle altre due giornate, la BISPM offrirà ai suoi ospiti l’opportunità di scoprire i Colli Euganei, con il suo ricco patrimonio di acque termali, il più grande d’Europa, e Verona, città che vanta ben tre beni UNESCO: oltre al suo splendido centro storico, vi sono, infatti, il festival dei giochi tradizionali Tocatì, e l’Opera lirica, beni culturali immateriali UNESCO rispettivamente dal 2022 e dal 2023.

On Thurday May 29th, about 40 selected Italian and foreign hosted buyers will participate in the in the b2b workshop and get a direct and concrete insight into the tourism offer of operators and suppliers of accommodation, activities, services, tours, meetings or events from the Veneto Region and beyond, with a specific focus on UNESCO World Heritage Sites. On the other two days, BISPM will offer its guests the opportunity to explore the Euganean Hills, with its rich heritage of thermal waters, the largest in Europe, and Verona, a city that boasts three UNESCO heritage sites: in addition to its splendid historical centre, there are the Festival of Traditional Games Tocatì, and the Opera, UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2022 and 2023 respectively.


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The Location

Welcome to Catajo Castle

Set in the greenery of the Euganean hills, the Catajo Castle is considered one of the most impressive historic homes in the area. Built starting from the 16th century at the behest of Pio Enea I degli Obizzi, who intended with it to celebrate the glories of the family, and enlarged by his successors between 600 and 700, the Catajo is a unique residence, first a princely villa, then an accommodation military, literary circle and, finally, Habsburg imperial palace.

The construction of the so-called Castel Vecchio, commissioned by Pio Enea Obizzi himself, took place between 1570 and 1573, while the construction of the Castel Nuovo, the northernmost wing of the castle, dates back to the 19th century, when the Catajo, having extinct Obizzi, had been inherited by the Habsburgs of Este. It was the Archdukes of Modena, Francesco IV Habsburg - d'Este and Maria Beatrice of Savoy who wanted Castel Nuovo in 1838 to welcome the Austrian imperial court. Upon the archduke's death, the castle passed to the heir to the imperial throne Francesco Ferdinand Habsburg - d'Este, who was then killed in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.

Since 2016, the Catajo castle has been owned by the Padua entrepreneur Sergio Cervellin, who has restored with the aim of opening it to the public for visits and events.

Inside, among its 365 rooms, you can admire one of the most beautiful and best preserved fresco cycles of the Venetian Villas, which celebrates the history and importance of the Obizzi family, created by the painter Gian Battista Zelotti, a disciple of Paolo Veronese. Outside, however, well-kept gardens with centuries-old trees complete the richness of the castle.

More info here: castellodelcatajo.it

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